I have been managing a team of two others in our edit department and am responsible for resourcing, planning and reaching out to freelancers if we need to. I manage their calendar, the processes and workflow alongside my own edits. I also work closely with producers during preproduction to facilitate the best workflow to improve our content.
I have also been involved with the culture aspect of the team and the company. After the events of BLM, I personally reached out to every person of colour at our company to talk about how they’re doing, their concerns and what Recipe can do as a company to improve their work experience, our work output and representation on the board.
This directly led to the Race Council, an internal body at our company that surveys employees, reviews our work and actively challenge how we normally work in order to improve the representation, diversity and inclusion. We have implemented one pagers that go into every pitch or production deck, to enable producers to have the leverage they need to have conversations with clients. We have improved our hiring practices and use external companies rather than relying on personal relationships alone. And we have been pushing for better representation in the casting decisions we make.
I have also been involved with the culture aspect of the team and the company. After the events of BLM, I personally reached out to every person of colour at our company to talk about how they’re doing, their concerns and what Recipe can do as a company to improve their work experience, our work output and representation on the board.
This directly led to the Race Council, an internal body at our company that surveys employees, reviews our work and actively challenge how we normally work in order to improve the representation, diversity and inclusion. We have implemented one pagers that go into every pitch or production deck, to enable producers to have the leverage they need to have conversations with clients. We have improved our hiring practices and use external companies rather than relying on personal relationships alone. And we have been pushing for better representation in the casting decisions we make.
I have also held talks about Anti-Asian hate over zoom, along with some of my colleges who are also from East Asian backgrounds, but with an emphasis on how different our experiences have been, what we can do as individuals and as a company can do and the impact COVID has had on the Asian community.